Domestic Violence Anniversary

This year I made a commitment to myself to be more authentic in my blog posts and in my social media. I want all of you to see the REAL ME…the me that my friends and family see everyday.

The entire purpose of my platform is to connect with YOU! If I can help just one person by sharing my personal experiences, and make them feel less alone then all of this is worthwhile.

In order for me to help others I have to be willing to be vulnerable {and super authentic} myself. So here it goes…

Nine years ago (1/21/11) I almost lost my life to domestic violence.

Now typically when I say this people think I’m over reacting or over exaggerating … but no, my ex-boyfriend literally tried to kill me.

I had been dating someone whom I met in college and everything started out lovely {#honeymoonphase}; but after some time turned exceedingly violent. He was mentally, emotionally, and physically very abusive; and on January 21, 2011 I almost lost my life to this man.

It may seem odd to those on the outside but I had been so involved and so “in it” that I did not really understand that I was in an abusive relationship. I grew up with two loving parents, who are still crazy about each other to this day, so I had never seen this type of behavior. Yet in these type of situations the abuser brainwashes the victim over time, until they have no sense of reality.

Long story short (for now…) I was able to escape my abuser, he was arrested and our case went to trial. Little did I know at the time I was entering the worst year of my life… and the pain and torture was just beginning.

I had to become stronger and smarter than I ever knew was possible.

I hope to share my story with all of you in such greater detail in the near future. I had no idea that I was a victim of domestic violence at the time, and there are many women (and men) going through similar situations today. It infuriates me that there are people out there like my ex, who take advantage of and hurt innocence victims.

I do not write these words, or discuss my situation to gain sympathy. I do not want sympathy. I want to educate other young women, and men, and let them know the warning signs, let them know they are not along. Domestic violence does not discriminate based upon race, gender, or socioeconomic status.

1 in 4 women, and approximately 1 in 6 men, will be victims of domestic violence in their lifetime. Look around you, we all know someone who has experienced this.

Growing up I never thought I would be one, but fortunately I am a survivor. I am here today to share my story, my struggle, and my journey. This is only the beginning, my voice can no longer be quieted.

You are not alone.

To bring more awareness to domestic violence I co-hosted domestic violence charity events for several years, to raise money for our local Shelter for abused women and children.

Co-hosted a domestic violence charity event with Lauren Rossi

Co-hosted a domestic violence charity event with Lauren Rossi

My husband, Ricky Khosla, supporting me at my domestic violence charity event

My husband, Ricky Khosla, supporting me at my domestic violence charity event