5 Ways to put yourself first this holiday season

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season.

The holidays can be a stressful and difficult time for many of us, so I wanted to remind you of 5 ways you can take care of yourself and ease your burden this holiday season.

For many of us it can be extremely difficult to put ourselves, especially during the holidays. As a wellness expert please let me tell you it is so important that you take care of yourself (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) so that you can go out and give your best and be your best for everyone else.

Here are 5 ways you can take care of yourself and put yourself first this season….

The holidays can be such a busy time. They are filled with tons of emotions, parties, and checklists. You need to take time to unwind every day and allow time for your body to recharge. Perhaps, you can go to bed just 30 minutes earlier every night for the rest of the year.

The holidays are notorious for cookies, candy and spiked egg nog. Be sure to balance out your indulgences with tons of fruits, vegetables and water. Start your morning with the Lean and Green Body® Triple Play and you’ll be off to a great start! Increase your daily recommended water intake from 8-8 oz glasses daily to 10-8 oz glasses of water per day; this will help keep you hydrated, and will assist in cleansing the body.

3. MOVE.
Take a minimum of 30 minutes every day to move your body. Ride your bike, take a walk with loved ones, try a new fitness class... sweat every day! Exercise not only helps keep our physical body healthy, but helps to keep our mental and emotional body in balance as well.

4. PLAN.
Plan your weeks out in advance. One of my favorite things to do on Friday’s is to plan the following week out. I write down all appointments, meetings, dinners, and schedule my workouts. This allows me to clearly see what I am dealing with and create a plan of action. I can schedule mid-week grocery runs, holiday parties, and leave room for the unexpected.

Meditation is the key to a balanced life. Taking a few minutes, if you are a beginner perhaps start with 5 minutes, every day to sit in stillness and just breathe. Find a connection to your breath, letting go of the outside world, your to-do lists and just tune into your body. There are numerous benefits of meditation; one of my favorites is that it helps me to slow down. I am constantly on the go, and the holidays seem to be even busier, my meditation practice allows me time to check in and pause. Afterwards, I feel a sense of renewal and peace.

The holidays can be a very busy time, don’t forget to take time for YOU! 

It's Time to Put Yourself First - Here's How!

For years I put everyone else’s needs above mine. I thought it was “right” or would make me a better person if I took care of everyone else first…but it didn’t. In fact, it left me so drained that I rarely had time to take care of myself. For years my self care was non-existent, and I noticed my health and well-being were taking a big hit.

My hope in sharing this is that you don’t make the same mistake. It can be so easy, especially as women, to put everyones needs above our own. It’s engrained in us from the time we are born, but it’s not healthy. If we do not take care of ourselves, how on earth are we supossed to take care of everyone and everything else? We simply can’t!

The phrase “you can not pour from an empty cup” is so accurate! Trust me I tried…for years. It’s not possible.

When we take time to put ourselves first, and even just taking 10 minutes a day for some much needed self care to pause and breathe it can shift everything. When we take care of ourselves we are better able to handle everything around us with more ease and grace.

In the last year I have implemented a tool for myself that has been a total game changer.

Are you ready for it?!?

Every single day I have a list in my planner (yes I still use a paper planner) of everything I would like to get done that day, and on the top of the list - ABOVE everything else if a list of 4 things I do every single for myself. They are not big things, but every single day these are my most important items on my list. Putting myself first, and ensuring that these 4 items get checked off daily has been a game changer for my personal life and especially my business.

I would encourage you to try this! Create a list of 2-4 items that you would like to do daily just for you. Select items that will help to enhance your mental health, your well being, and allow you to create a calm in the chaos of the week. For my busy Moms, perhaps taking a shower (alone)…or dream big a bath (alone) is on your list?? Select items that honor you and fill your cup up.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

3 Tips to Living a More Mindful Life

Mindfulness is a daily practice. 

As with anything it gets easier the more you practice it.

My number one tip when trying to live a more mindful life is to start small.  Begin by noticing your thoughts throughout the day. Notice where your mind wanders, and when you become distracted simply bring your mind back to the present. It is normal for our mind to wander dozens of times each hour, but each time it does simply bring your attention to the present task at hand. 

The average person spends so much time distracted, not living in the present, but instead focused on unresolved issues from the past, future worries, and often times we focus on things that are never going to happen. 

Be mindful of your daily habits, do you reach for your phone first thing in the morning? Are you constantly going through your day distracted? To me distraction is the opposite of mindfulness. In our society many of us go through our days completely distracted and unaware of what is actually happening in front of us. We lack awareness and presence. Instead we are encouraged to be “on” 24/7 and be as productive and busy as possible, multitasking every second of the day. Technology has only made this worse with smart watches and smart phones, we can literally be available all the time. Remember presence is a gift for ourselves, and the ones we love. 

My second tip for living a more mindful life is to unplug. Take certain hours, yes you read that right, certain hours each day off your phone and away from technology. Put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ or better yet turn it off, take off your smart watch, close your computer, turn the tv off, and just allow yourself to be. Perhaps go for a walk or simply sit and enjoy the silence. At first this may be uncomfortable. Many of us are so attached and dare I say addicted to our devices, that we do not know how to just be anymore. If you fall into this category, this tip is even more important for you. 

I am sure you all have experienced being around someone who is constantly answering texts and emails from their watch mid conversation or mid-session with you. It’s distracting, but it also shows that they are not present. For so long we have praised this multi-tasking behavior, and applauded those who work too much and are available all the time (I used to be guilty of this). It’s not a good look anymore. Being mindful, allowing yourself to be fully present for those around you, taking some time for real uninterrupted self care is essential.

Lately, I have been walking 4 miles per day and meditating for 60 minutes each day - for some that could be considered a big chunk or time, or “unproductive”…it’s all perspective. To me those are some of my most productive moments of my day. I allow myself to fully unplug, I connect with my breath and I soak in nature.

As you begin your mindfulness practice focus not only on where you attention goes, but also where you give your energy. We all have the same 24 hours in the day, but depending on how we utilize that time we can feel energized and full of joy or completely drained and empty. Notice where your energy goes, start being mindful of who and what you give your energy to. Energy is an exchange. Are you left feeling full and satisfied after the exchange or are you left feeling depleted? 

As you begin to feel more mindful about your interactions you may notice that some relationships simply fall away. Perhaps they were never a good fit, or maybe they were what you needed at the time and now you are growing and evolving. Not everyone is going to understand your journey, and that’s okay they don’t need to.

My third and final tip for living a more mindful life is to take inventory of who your exchange your energy with. This includes family, friends, co-workers, staff, everyone. Notice these relationships, these interactions. If they are not adding to your life, and making your feel amazing and vibrant then either say good-bye (with love) or limit your interactions with them. It may not seem it always, but we are in control of who we spend our time with. Time is precious, and personally I want to surround myself with people who live a high vibe lifestyle, people who lead with love, people who let go of self limiting beliefs, and people who do not judge but instead empower. 

Each day is a gift. Living a more mindful and conscious life can help you to appreciate this gift, and enjoy the simple everyday moments. 

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

My Number One Tip for Living a Healthier Life

My number one tip for a living a healthier life…be more present.

Be more present with the foods your are consuming, eat consciously.

Be more present with the media you mindlessly consume. You can be ‘up to date’ with the happenings of the world without having the news on 24/7.

Be more present with the energy you consume. Who do you surround yourself with? How do they make you feel?

Be more present with what you choose to read. There are so many happy endings yet to be read.

Tune in to what is real.

Tune into what is happening all around you. We are constantly consuming. You have the power to choose what you consume.

What we consume ultimately determines our attitude and outlook on life.

I would encourage you to pause - to be more present starting today.

Be more present with the gifts that are right in front of you.

So many of us are so focused on scrolling through social media, unnecessarily checking our emails 100 times a day, and being up to date on everything the tv throws at us. When we give our energy to those things, we are not being present we are giving all of our energy away willingly. When we choose to live this way we are missing the incredibly beautiful gifts that are right in front of us. Put the phone down, take off your watch, turn the tv off, and look around.

Presence is a true gift for ourselves, and the ones we love most.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

5 Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths

Looking for a way to unwind without the wine? I’ve got you covered!

One of my favorite ways to unwind after a long day is a nice hot epsom salt bath. This practice is incredibly healing and nourishing for my body and soul.

Epsom salts are a great addition to your typical bath routine, and can be incredibly soothing for the body. These salts help to alleviate aches and pain, perfect after a long workout or tough yoga class. Epsom salts also help to heal tired muscles and even promote recovery, sounds ideal for anyone who is active.

If you suffer from sore muscles, inflammation, sprains, stiff joints, skin irritations, or stress epsom salts bath may really help you heal and destress. I always feel more relaxed after a bath! I soften the lighting, sometimes I read or listen to music…I create an atmosphere of soothing and healing vibrations.

An added bonus…epsom salts are high in magnesium. Surprisingly, the majority of Americans are deficient in magnesium. This mineral is essential for proper functioning of the body and is vital in many energies pathways in body, epsom salts are an excellent way to boost magnesium levels in the body.

I typically add 2 cups of epsom salts to my bath, and soak for about 20 minutes.


Clean Beauty Interview with Dawn Conder

I am so excited to introduce you all to my friend Dawn! She is a non-toxic beauty specialist…how amazing! I love that so many people are educating themselves on the importance of non-toxic skincare, and I’m obsessed that you actually get to do this for a living. Incredible!

Dawn and I have spent a lot of time talking about the importance of living a non-toxic life and the growing movement we are seeing in our country. As a Holistic Nutrition Specialist it is so important for me to not only live a non-toxic life but also use non-toxic products. I always tell my clients that our skin is our largest organ and what we put on our skin in absorbed and carried into our bloodstream and can have a big impact on our body and our organs.

I can not wait to “introduce” you all to Dawn and have you learn more about this topic!


Hi Dawn! Can you tell us about yourself? 

Hi!! I am a Naples resident, a wife, and a crazy busy mom of two teens. Two years ago at the age of 48, I decided to become an independent business owner with Beautycounter. I love sharing how to get glowing skin with a holistic approach on my Live Clean Eat Well Instagram account. I do this through educating on living clean, eating well, keeping a positive mindset, and beauty tips.

How did you get started in the clean beauty movement?

I have a family history of cancer, and my aunt and mom both died from cancer. I was absolutely crushed when I lost my mom 4 years ago. Frankly my own health was not in the best place, at that time. I had been diagnosed with several autoimmune issues, I wasn’t active, and I was scared. I knew I needed to dig deep, and take control of my own health. So I became an certified coach for an online wellness and fitness company. I was on the right path with eating and fitness. I hadn’t really thought much about my beauty products, until my daughter had an almost anaphylactic reaction to drugstore make-up. I began a desperate search for safer products and with 100% ingredient transparency. As I hunted for non-reactive personal care and beauty products, I stumbled upon Beautycounter.

Beautycounter is a brand that not only lists every single ingredient, but also a company creating safer products by banning over 1800 chemicals of concern, and leading industry change. I loved the peace of mind that came with the brand, I loved the company mission to get safer products into the hands of everyone, but most of all I loved the results I saw with my own skin.

Why are clean beauty products so important?

Your skin is your largest organ, and the chemicals in products we apply topically are absorbed. Why is this important? Because decades of studies indicate that serious health issues (including but not limited to asthma, cancer, and infertility) are on the rise and are due in some part to our ongoing exposure to toxic chemicals. The issue is that there are more than 80,000 chemicals on the market today, many without  safety data.  The U.S. has not passed a major federal law governing the cosmetics industry since 1938, the FDA has no authority to remove harmful ingredients from products. Right now in the U.S., it is completely legal for companies to use toxic chemicals in the products that we put on our bodies every day, even if the ingredients are known to cause cancer or other health problems. Due to major loopholes in federal law, cosmetics can use terms like “natural”, “green”, “non-toxic”, and nearly any other word that comes to mind without containing ingredients that accurately meet those descriptions. Even products certified as organic can have as little as 10% organic ingredients, depending on the certifier. This means that we need to be our own health advocates, by becoming label readers and ingredient detectives. 

What is your favorite brand and why? 

I am a fan of Jane Iredale and Celtic Complexion. But  Beautycounter is my favorite brand of course!!! There are a lot of “clean beauty” brands out there. Some who do it well, some who don’t. Not only does Beautycounter do it very well, but with total ingredient transparency, and with a mission that goes well beyond selling face cream and lipstick. First we focus on performance, safety and innovation. We create market-leading, clean, high-performing products, proving you don’t have to compromise one to get the other. Second, we educate the public about how to avoid harmful ingredients. Finally we advocate tirelessly for more health protective laws and we take that fight all the way to Capitol Hill. A highlight for me was when I met with Senator Rubio’s aide early last year, to ask for the Senators support on the Cosmetic Reform Safety Act. The goal is to get safer beauty into the hands of everyone, and no other company is doing this right now.

Anything else we should know about clean beauty products?

Clean Beauty isn’t just for the ladies, it should be a family affair. According to a teen study conducted by the Environmental Working Group, participants reported using an average of 17 products each day. Furthermore teens may be particularly sensitive to hormone disrupting chemicals, given the complex role they play during puberty; this is a time when girls begin to start experimenting with cosmetics, perfume, and body care products. In the 1960’s the ratio of breast cancer was 1 in 20 in women, now it’s 1 in 8 women. I worry what the rates will be when the current generation of teen girls, are adults. And don’t forget about the men in your life, young and old, because they deserve products with safe ingredients as well. 

If people have questions how can they in contact with you??

People can find me on Instagram or I have beauty focused Private Facebook Group

But I also love working one on one with clients, so if anyone would like a personal consultation I can be contacted at dkconder@gmail.com

Lastly, my favorite resource for learning more about a particular product’s safety, is the Environmental Working Group. The EWG is a nonprofit, American activist group that specializes in research and advocacy in the areas of agricultural subsidies, toxic chemicals, drinking water pollutants, and corporate accountability. Their Healthy Living app has a catalog of products and scores them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most toxic. The app also has a barcode scan option, which is super useful when shopping in stores!


A Lesson in Pranayama

I recently received a lesson in pranayama in the most unexpected way.

Our water heater died. We were ‘stuck’ with cold water for six days.

Ice cold showers every day…

Okay okay we do live in South Florida and on a hot day cold water may not be the worst thing, it may even be considered refreshing…but the week we had no hot water the temps ranged between 42 - high 60’s…way colder than normal.

The first time I stepped into the ice cold shower it was shocking, it took my breath away.

Each time after my body (and my mind) knew what was coming…ice cold water. I’ve never been a fan of the cold, actually let’s be honest I really hate the cold…which is probably why I live as far south as possible.

Sure bathing in cold water has it’s benefits…anti-inflammatory, better for skin, hair, and is a sure fire way to wake up the body!

I acclimated after two days, I had a quick and clean way to get in and get out. It was effective but it wasn’t relaxing.

Every time the ice cold water hit my neck and upper back it took my breath away and shocked me…and instead of stepping out I tuned in. I tuned into my breath. I channeled years of pranayama practices and techniques…and deepened my breath. I stood there in the ice cold water and just focused on each inhale and each exhale. By having my mind focus on my breath count instead of the painfully cold water, it made it bearable and actually allowed me to relax into the moment.

Our breath is a powerful tool, and has the ability to switch up our mindset, and actually move our body (specifically our nervous system) from a sympathetic ‘fight or flight’ mode to a parasympathetic ‘rest and digest’ mode. The breath is one of the most powerful tools we have.

Not once over the six days did my husband or I complain about not having hot water. We accepted the reality, and also understood that this is a first world problem. We are so beyond grateful for our home, we are grateful for clean running water and an indoor shower. We knew this issue was temporary, and there was no need to stress or worry. It would resolve.

Frankly it took us six days to have it fixed because we were too focused on other projects and it was not a priority. I also believe that this was a lesson I needed to receive. Some times things will happen in life that are shocking and it is in those moments when we need to pause and just breathe.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

Intentions over Resolutions

According to the New York Post many people forgo their New Year’s resolutions by January 12th!?! That’s insane.

So this year instead of setting New Year’s resolutions that will ultimately fall off our to-do list I would encourage you all to set intentions for the New Year.

This is what I have chosen to do this year…and I am loving it!

Resolutions put so much pressure on the individual. All of the sudden on January 1 everything has to change and everyone has to become “perfect”. Its unrealistic…and clearly these resolutions do not stick.

So instead of setting unrealistic resolutions this year, I am setting intentions for how I want to be this year. I am being mindful about how I want to see my year. What behaviors, actions, or traits would I like to expand upon? Where would I like to see growth?

I find that so many people go overboard with resolutions and goals in January - and then ultimately forget them or fall off the wagon…and think it’s over. It’s not! You can start over again anytime you wish.

One of my favorite quotes is:

“each day is a new day, what we do today is what matters most.” - Buddha

Each day we get to decide who we want to be in every moment.

So I would encourage you to put pen to paper and journal about some intentions for your year. What would you like to see?

One of my intentions for the New Year is to be happy every day - maybe not all day everyday - but every day I am going to be happy and find the positive.

This of course comes off a crazy year that has shown me how precious each day really is.

If you would like to share some of your intentions below, I’d love to read them!!



Thankful | Lean and Green Body® Blog

With Thanksgiving behind us, and the holidays and New Year approaching quickly, let’s take a moment and pause.

There seems to be such a rush this time of year, one holiday on to the next. Presents, parties, and an overfull schedule has us moving at a rapid pace.

Let’s pause and surround ourselves with gratitude for this amazing life we are living. Let go of any hardship, stress, worry and think about what you are grateful for.

Gratitude for our families, friends, and the community in which we surround ourselves.

Every year, my family gathers around the table at Thanksgiving and we take turns stating what we are grateful for that year. It always struck me as odd that we only do this once a year. Shouldn’t we be thinking about, and outwardly expressing these sentiments weekly or even daily?

If we don’t tell those around us that we are grateful for them, how will they know?

How will they know that the simple act of kindness they showed to you changed you?

I encourage you to all pause, and surround yourself with gratitude.

Think about 5 things you are truly grateful for each day.

One of my favorite parts of my morning routine (thank you Rachel Hollis for the idea) is writing down 5 things I am grateful for. Each day they may look slightly different, but they always put my life into perspective. I look at the list every morning and I say ‘wow, life is pretty great’. This helps me to create positive energy in the morning, and then bring that positive energy out into my day. My clients, and those I meet then feel that positivity and hopefully some of it rubs off on them, and they are able to pass it along.

Here are my 5 things for today…

  1. I am grateful for my husband, my partner in life.

  2. I’m grateful for this time each and every morning for myself, to pause and reflect.

  3. I am grateful for my dog Neera, who lays by my feet as I write this.

  4. I’m grateful that my business is doing so well, and I have the opportunity to share something that I am so passionate about with my community near and far.

  5. I am grateful for my family, and my friends who have turned into family.

What are your five things?

Presence Not Presents

Presence Not Presents | Lean and Green Body Blog

Presence is a gift we give ourselves and those around us. 

During the holidays, it can be so easy to get wrapped up in presents and gift giving, that often times we forget to be present ourselves. 

We are so busy multi-tasking and making sure our work is done, our kids are happy, we mailed the holiday cards, and we bought gifts for everyone on our list. With all the to dos on our list, we forget, or don’t take the time, to be present. All of this is compounded with the fact that we are glued to technology these days (I swear it’s a blessing and a curse). 

Instead of focusing on the to do lists and gifts, cherish these moments and focus on being fully present for your loved ones. Give them the gift of your presence and maybe you will be gifted with their presence. This is the gift that continues grow long after the holidays are over.

Happy New Year! 

Holiday Parties

Holiday Parties | Lean and Green Body Blog

Healthy options for your holiday parties!

Tis the season for holiday parties, a bit of bubbly and likely some overindulging.

How can you enjoy your holiday work parties, family parties and host your own party without wrecking your diet?

The average American is likely to gain over 5 pounds during the holidays. That is a huge set back for most of us, and only makes New Year’s resolutions more stressful. I’m here to help guide you through the party scene this holiday season!

Whether you are at a work party, family party or hosting your own gathering, it is likely that the booze and bubbly will be flowing. It’s okay to indulge and celebrate, just make sure you stay hydrated. Alcohol is very dehydrating, which can lead to wicked hangovers. Drink 8 oz of water in between each glass of wine or cocktail. This will help keep your body hydrated, slow down your drinking, and make sure you enjoy (and remember) the party. 

Another trick if you are not in the mood to drink, or have an early start the next day, but still want to please the host by enjoying a cocktail….order club soda on the rocks with lime. Looks like a cocktail, but will save you from an awful hangover the next day! I love using this trick when hosting a party at our house, or at work parties!

Food seems to be the next hurdle at many holiday gatherings. So many options, perhaps you have been dieting all year, and now is your chance to indulge and enjoy? Nope, sorry, it doesn’t work like that. Regardless of your physical or mental goals this year with food, overindulging at a holiday party will not help anyone. Think portion control. See a few appetizers you’d like to try? Try them! Just limit the portion size, aim for a teaspoon to a tablespoon portion. This will allow you to try three maybe four different appetizers. Your taste buds will be happy, and your waistline will thank you! 

Holiday Parties | Lean and Green Body Blog

Food allergies, vegan, or following a strict diet at the moment? No problem! Have a small meal, smoothie, or some protein before the party. This will ensure that your belly is satiated, and you are not drinking on an empty stomach, but will also save you in case there is nothing for you to eat. Best case scenario, there are a few appetizers that you can have -- awesome! Have a few small tastes, and enjoy. As someone who is gluten free and dairy free, I frequently run into this issue, and typically make a smoothie with protein, fat, and fiber in it prior to the event.

Desserts. You successfully handled the drinks and the food, now the desserts are served. Although this may seem like the most difficult party of the evening for some, the same rules apply here. Portion control. It’s okay to taste the pumpkin pie and the brownie, but limit the size. Taste a teaspoon or tablespoon of each! 

Enjoy the holiday party season, know that you can go out, have fun, and indulge a bit. The key is to indulge mindfully. Don’t let one evening ruin goals you have been working towards all year.