Naturally Detoxifying Foods

Naturally Detoxifying Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog

Broccoli: A strong detoxifier, broccoli neutralizes and eliminates toxins while also delivering a healthy dose of vitamins.

Cauliflower: This antioxidant rich cruciferous veggie aids in your body’s natural detoxification system and reduces inflammation.

Turnip Greens: A potent detoxifier, this cruciferous veggie also has been found to help prevent many types of cancer and is a great for reducing inflammation.

Lentils: This fiber-rich legume aids in elimination, helps lower cholesterol, balances blood sugar and even increases your energy.

Grapefruit: This fiber-rich, sweet and tangy fruit helps lower cholesterol, prevent kidney stones and aids the digestive system.

Naturally Detoxifying Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog

Cucumber: Nutrient-dense cucumbers, which are 95% water, help flush out toxins and alkalize the body.

Steel Cut Oats: High in both soluble and insoluble fiber, oats will keep you satiated and keep your digestive system moving.

Sunflower Seeds:  High in selenium and vitamin E, sunflower seeds aid the liver’s ability to detox. They also help prevent cholesterol build up in the blood and arteries.

Hemp Seeds: These tiny nutritional powerhouses are an excellent source of omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, are an easily digestible plant based protein, have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and also aid in elimination.


Jennifer Khosla

Founder, Lean and Green Body.  Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Specialist and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; Jennifer Khosla received her B.S. in Athletic Training from Springfield College. She later went on to study clinical dietetics, holistic nutrition and modalities to heal the body naturally through nutrition and lifestyle.