F*** Being Perfect

Lean and Green Body

F*** being perfect. I was in yoga class this afternoon with three girls wearing this exact shirt: “F*** Being Perfect”. I think it was a sign. I tried for years to be perfect. To be who I thought I was supposed to be, to go to the right school, to meet the right people, to do everything “perfect”. Well let me tell you one thing - perfect does not exist. That goal of trying to be perfect is unattainable, boring, and will not allow you to reach your fullest potential. Nothing is perfect. And that is perfectly okay.

When we stop trying so hard to please people, and tune out all the other voices - we are able to tune in to the one voice that truly matters. Our own. Our intuition will guide us. Through yoga, meditation, and a cross country journey I was able to tune into mine. It opened up a whole new world for me. I ended up dropping out of graduate school, quitting my job as a Nutritionist at a Boston hospital, and selling almost everything I owned. I moved across the country to La Jolla, California. In my eyes - the land of dreams. I had finally listened to that voice. The voice that had been telling me to go to San Diego for the past eight years. I finally said F*** being perfect and took the chance. I only knew one person there, had no place to live and no job. Yet in my eyes, it was a golden opportunity. I would start my 200 hour yoga teacher training just days after arriving. Somehow I knew everything would be okay. There was a reason I had to be there. I had started listening to that inner voice, my intuition. To say that La Jolla and that year changed my life forever would be an understatement. It was by far the most challenging year of my life and one of extreme growth and discovery. I finally stopped trying to be so perfect and realized how unattainable that goal really was - and instead, focused on being happy. Through this happiness, I was able to share my shine with those around me. This discovery lead me back to the east coast to finish school and start my first business. Five years later, I sit here writing this to you from my beach house humbled by the journey.

The journey to self took years with many life lessons along the way. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the last decade was sitting right in front of me in yoga. Instead of trying so hard to be perfect, why don’t we try to be real. To be true. To be humble. To love. F*** the rest. 


Jennifer Khosla

Founder, Lean and Green Body.  Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Specialist and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; Jennifer Khosla received her B.S. in Athletic Training from Springfield College. She later went on to study clinical dietetics, holistic nutrition and modalities to heal the body naturally through nutrition and lifestyle.