Time for a detox...

The past six weeks have been a whirlwind! Between our wedding, our two week honeymoon, two other weddings, and our first Thanksgiving in Ohio, we have only been home for one weekend since October 1st! It is definitely time for some deep meditation, hot yoga, and a detox. I am so excited to cleanse my body and get back on track!

Here is one of my favorite juices for detoxification...

Intoxicating Detoxification


  • 1 cup of Kale

  • 2 leaves of Swiss Chard

  • 1/2 cup Parsley

  • 1/2 small Beet

  • 1/2 cup Pineapple

  • 2 medium Green Apples

  • 1 sprig of Fresh Mint

  • 1/2 medium Lemon (peeled)


  1. Put all ingredients into your juicer and enjoy!

Looking for a great juicer?? Check out the Omega Juicers, I’m in love with mine!!